

Generative vs Discriminative models

生成模型 vs 判别式模型,首先需要理解这两个模型的区别,对于后续模型介绍理解会比较重要。同时,介绍这些模型的时候,也会涉及遇到一些简单的概率知识点,核心是贝叶斯公式。我们先给出文中会使用的一些符号定义。

$$ x \text{: 输入数,可以是多维数据;} \quad y \text{: 输出数据,也可以是多维数据}


Generative model:核心是需要对$p(x \mid y)$ 建模,或者是对 $p(x)$建模,最终的目的是实现 $p(x,y)$的建模

Discriminative model:通常是直接建模$p(y \mid x)$,不需要考虑$p(x)$


$$ p_g(y,x;\theta) = p_g(y;\theta) p_g(x \mid y;\theta) \ p_g(y,x;\theta) = p_g(x;\theta) p_g(y \mid x;\theta) $$

生成模型$p_g(y,x;\theta)$使用上面的形式的时候,看上去像生成模型,但是采用下面公式(通常是在inference的时候采用)看上去像判别式模型。其实核心还是在于我们在用判别式的时候并不考虑$p(x;\theta)$(下文中会介绍)。真正在推理的时候,我们正确使用方式是$p_g(x;\theta) = \sum_y p_g(y,x;\theta)$, $p_g(y \mid x;\theta) = {p_g(y,x;\theta) \over p_g(x;\theta)} $,也就是说虽然生成式模型可以应用于推断$p(y \mid x)$,但是底层使用的模型还是生成式模型$p_g(y,x;\theta)$

对于判别式模型,我们直接建模求解:$p(y \mid x; \hat\theta)$,而$p(x;\theta)$我们依然是未知的。

大部分情况下,我们可以断定$\theta \ne \hat\theta$。为什么很多情况下 判别式模型表现由于生成式?从上面的公式我们可以看出,生成式模型要同时满足 $p(x;\theta)$和$p(y \mid x;\theta)$的分布,而判别式模型只考虑$p(y \mid x; \theta)$,二者恰恰是真实应用场景里关注的问题所在。

Generative model parameters $\theta$ are used in both the input distribution and conditional distribution, a good set of parameters must represent both well, potentionally at the cost of tradding off accuracy on $p(y \mid x)$, the distribution we care about, for accuracy on $p(x)$, which we care less obout. On the other hand, the added degree of freedom brings about an increasing risk of overfitting the training data, and generalizing worse on unseen data.




$$ \begin{equation} P(X_i|X_{G \backslash i}) = P(X_i|X_{N_i}) \end{equation} $$

$X_{G \backslash i}$代表除了$X_i$之外的所有顶点,$X_{N_i}$代表$i$的所有邻居顶点,即所有与$X_i$相连的顶点。

An undirected graphical model $G$ is called a Markov Random Field (MRF) if two nodes are conditionally independent whenever they are separated by evidence nodes. In other words, for any node $X_i$ in the graph, the equation (1) holds, where $X_{G \backslash i}$ denotes all the nodes except $X_i$, and $X_{N_i}$ denotes the neighborhood of $X_i$ - all the nodes that are connected to $X_i$.


flowchart LR x1((x1)) x2((x2)) x3((x3)) x4((x4)) x5((x5)) x1 --> x2 --> x3 --> x5 x2 --> x4 --> x5


$P(x_1,\dots,x_n) = P(x_1) \cdot P(x_2 \mid x_1) \cdot P(x_3 \mid x_2) \cdot P(x_4 \mid x_2) \cdot P(x_5 \mid x_3,x_4)$


flowchart LR x1((x1)) x2((x2)) x3((x3)) x4((x4)) x1 --- x3 --- x2 x1 --- x4 --- x2


假设节点集合A、B是在无向图中被节点集合C分开的任意节点集合,全局马尔可夫定义 :给定基于节点集合C的随机变量$Y_C$的条件性,$Y_A和Y_B条件独立$。

$$ P(Y_A,Y_B \mid Y_C) = P(Y_A \mid Y_C) P(Y_B \mid Y_C) $$


局部马尔可夫(Markov Banket)


设无向图中任意一节点$v$, $\mathcal{W}$是与节点$v$有边相连的所有节点,$\mathcal{O}$是$u, \mathcal{W}$之外的其它节点集合,局部马尔可夫性是指:给定$Y_{\mathcal W}$的情况下,$Y_v$与$Y_{\mathcal O}$独立。$P(Y_v,Y_{\mathcal O}) \mid Y_{\mathcal W}) = P(Y_v \mid Y_{\mathcal W}) P(Y_{\mathcal O} \mid Y_{\mathcal W})$

这个公式也可以改写为:$P(Y_v \mid Y_{\mathcal O}, Y_{\mathcal W}) = P(Y_v \mid P_{\mathcal W})$


假设无向图$G$中任意两个没有边连接的节点$u,v$,其它所有节点为$\mathcal O$,成对马尔可夫:给定$Y_{\mathcal O}$条件下,$Y_u, Y_v$条件独立。$P(Y_u, Y_v \mid Y_{\mathcal O}) = P(Y_u \mid Y_{\mathcal O}) P(Y_v \mid Y_{\mathcal O})$



定义二:在无向图模型G上的一个概率分布P(X)称之为吉布斯分布,如果它能够被因子分解为定义在团(clique) 上的正函数的乘积,这些团覆盖了G的所有顶点和边,即

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(X) &= \frac{1}{Z} \prod\limits_{c \in C_G} \phi_c(X_c) \\ Z &= \sum\limits_x \prod\limits_{c \in C_G} \phi_c(X_c) \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$


A probability distribution P(X) on an undirected graphical model G is called a Gibbs distribution if it can be factorized into positive functions defined on cliques that cover all the nodes and edges of G. That is equation (2), where $G_C$ is a set of all (maximal) cliques in G and $Z = \sum_x \prod_{c \in C_G} \phi_c(X_c) $is the normalization constant.

Hammersley Clifford clas 认为,MRF和Gibbs分布是一致的,也就是说:

  1. Gibbs分布一定满足由node separation导致的条件独立性。

  2. MRF的概率分布一定可以表示为最大团集合上的非负函数乘积形式。

We formally define the notion of whether a factor graph "describes" a given distribution or not. Let $N(a)$ be the neighbors of the factor with index $a$, i.e., a set of variable indices. Then:

$$ \text{Definition 2.1. A distribution } p(y) \text{ factorizes according to a factor graph } \ G \text{ if there exists a set of local function } \Psi_a \text{ such that } p \text{ can be written as} \ p(y) = Z^{-1} \prod\limits_{a \in F} \Psi_a(y_{N(a)}) $$

下面的无向图的概率计算:$p(y_1,y_2,y_3) = \Psi_1(y_1,y_2) \Psi_2(y_2,y_3) \Psi_3(y_1,y_3)$,图中的f1/f2/f3对应$\Psi_1/\Psi_2/\Psi_3$


graph LR y1((y1)) y2((y2)) y3((y3)) y1 ---|f1| y2 ---|f2| y3 ---|f3| y1

马尔科夫网络(markov network) vs 因子分解图(factor graph)。从无向图角度分析,下面三个图是一个图,都是三个节点之间两两连接。如果从马尔科夫网络分析,它的概率分解其实是和因子分解图2等价的,即$p(y_1,y_2,y_3) \sim f(y_1,y_2,y_3)$,但是因子分解图2 $p(y_1,y_2,y_3) \sim f(y_1,y_2) g(y_2,y_3) h(y_1,y_3)$。所以从因子分解图角度看,马尔科夫网络的概率计算是有歧义的。

graph TD subgraph 因子分解图2 f4(( )) f5(( )) f6(( )) d[ ] f4 --- d d --- f5 d --- f6 end subgraph 因子分解图1 f1(( )) f2(( )) f3(( )) f1 ---| f | f2 f2 ---| f | f3 f3 ---| f | f1 end subgraph 马尔科夫网络 n1(( )) n2(( )) n3(( )) n1 --- n2 n2 --- n3 n3 --- n1 end

Hammersley Clifford证明了上面两个定义是等价的,下面搬运证明过程

反向证明(吉布斯分布—> MRF)

设$D_i = N_i \cup {X_i}$是包含$X_i$邻居顶点和$X_i$本身的集合。从上面等式(1)的右边开始。另外我们引入一些符号定义:$D_i = N_i \cup {X_i}$是包含$X_i$和它邻居定点的集合,无向图$G$的最大团为$G_C$,并且通过判断定点$X_i$是否包含在clique可以将集合$G_C$分成两个集合:$C_i=c \in G_C: X_i \in c$和$R_i = c \in G_C: X_i \notin G_C$,且$C_i \cup R_i = G_C$。下面是证明过程:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(X_i \mid X_{N_i}) &= \frac{P(X_i,X_{N_i})}{P(X_{N_i})} \\ &= \frac{\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} P(X_i,X_{N_i},X_{G\backslash D_i})} {\sum\limits_{x_i}\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i}P(X_i,X_{N_i},X_{G\backslash D_i}) }\\ &= \frac{\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} \prod\limits_{c \in G_C} \phi_c(X_c)} {\sum\limits_{x_i}\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} \prod\limits_{c \in G_C} \phi_c(X_c)} \\ &= \frac{\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} \prod\limits_{c \in C_i}\phi_c(X_c) \prod\limits_{c \in R_i}\phi_c(X_c)} {\sum\limits_{x_i}\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} \prod\limits_{c \in C_i}\phi_c(X_c) \prod\limits_{c \in R_i}\phi_c(X_c)} \\ &= \frac{\prod\limits_{c \in C_i}\phi_c(X_c) \left( \sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} \prod\limits_{c \in R_i}\phi_c(X_c) \right)} {\left(\sum\limits_{x_i} \prod\limits_{c \in C_i}\phi_c(X_c) \right) \left(\sum\limits_{G\backslash D_i} \prod\limits_{c \in R_i}\phi_c(X_c) \right) }\\ &= \frac{\prod\limits_{c \in C_i}\phi_c(X_c)}{\sum\limits_{x_i} \prod\limits_{c \in C_i}\phi_c(X_c)} \times \frac{\prod\limits_{c \in R_i}\phi_c(X_c)}{\prod\limits_{c \in R_i}\phi_c(X_c)} \\ &= \frac{{1 \over Z} \prod\limits_{c \in G_C} \phi_c(X_c)} {{1 \over Z} \sum\limits_{x_i}\prod\limits_{c \in G_C} \phi_c(X_c)} \\ &= \frac{P(X)}{P(X_{G\backslash i})} = P(X_i \mid X_{G\backslash i}) \end{aligned} \end{equation}



从上面的全局马尔可夫图可以得出:$P(x_A,x_B,x_c) = {1 \over Z} \phi(x_A, x_c) \phi(x_B,x_C)$,我们要证明$P(x_A,x_B \mid x_C) = P(x_A \mid x_C) P(x_B \mid x_C)$,下面给出证明:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(x_A,x_B \mid x_C) &= \frac{P(x_A,x_B,x_C)}{P(x_C)} \\ &= \frac{P(x_A,x_B,x_C)}{\sum_{x_A}\sum_{x_B}P(x_A,x_B,x_C)} \\ &= \frac{\phi_{AC}(x_A,x_C) \phi_{BC}(x_B,x_C)}{\sum_{x_A}\sum_{x_B} \phi_{AC}(x_A,x_C) \phi_{BC}(x_B,x_C)} \\ &= \frac{\phi_{AC}(x_A,x_C)}{\sum_{x_A}\phi_{AC}(x_A,x_C)} \times \frac{\phi_{BC}(x_B,x_C)}{\sum_{x_B}\phi_{BC}(x_B,x_C)} \\ &= \frac{P(x_A,x_C)}{P(x_C)} \times \frac{P(x_B,x_C)}{P(x_C)} \\ &= P(x_A \mid x_C) \cdot P(x_B \mid x_C) \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$



